Monday, May 23, 2011

Rounding to significant digits in Ruby

A few years ago, I built a Rails application which estimated the nutritional information of entire recipes by mapping the individual ingredients to food records in the USDA nutritional database, then summing up the nutritional values across all the foods.

This is a surprisingly tricky task. In many cases there's a lot of hand-waving involved. How much meat do you get from an 8 pound turkey? How do you calculate the amount of food consumed versus the amount measured before cooking? What if the USDA only measured the nutrients for a raw sample, but you eat it cooked?

Clearly, many of these nutritional values are going to be ballpark figures, so it wouldn't make sense to display them out to the tenth decimal place. But that's what you'd get by default after doing floating-point multiplication and division: A lot of spurious digits.

Why not just round everything to, say, two decimal places, and display that? As an example, consider that one set of nutritional info may work out to contain 548.667 calories and 0.384503 mg of vitamin B6. A fractional calorie is just noise; nobody is going to worry about whether their lunch has an extra 2/3 of a calorie, even if the number is accurate. But 0.38 mg of B6 is about a quarter of the daily allowance; we can't afford to ignore those fractional milligrams.

This is where significant figures AKA significant digits come in. I only want to preserve the digits furthest to the left -- the most significant -- regardless of the location of the decimal point. I searched for a way to do this in Ruby, but rather than finding a solution, I found that many people confuse rounding to N significant digits with rounding to N decimal places. These are not the same thing.

548.667 rounded to 2 decimal places is 548.67
548.667 rounded to 2 significant digits is 550.0

So how can this be done without converting the number to a string and scanning it? Scientific notation. This notation expresses a number in terms of a fixed-point number and an exponent, and is actually similar to the way floating point numbers are represented internally. sprintf can write this format, and to_f can read it. Because normalized scientific notation always places exactly one digit to the left of the decimal point, specifying a precision of N-1 in sprintf's format string will round a number to N significant digits. A format of "%.1e" will give us 2 significant digits.

irb(main):001:0> a = 548.667
=> 548.667
irb(main):002:0> b = sprintf("%.1e", a)
=> "5.5e+02"
irb(main):003:0> b.class
=> String
irb(main):004:0> c = b.to_f
=> 550.0
This does what I want it to, so why not add a method to Float?

irb(main):006:0* class Float
irb(main):007:1>   def sigfig(digits)
irb(main):008:2>     sprintf("%.#{digits - 1}e", self).to_f
irb(main):009:2>   end
irb(main):010:1> end
=> nil
irb(main):011:0> a.sigfig(2)
=> 550.0
irb(main):012:0> d = 0.38450
=> 0.3845
irb(main):013:0> d.sigfig(2)
=> 0.38 

That works. But for the purpose of display, I'd really like to suppress the trailing decimal point and zero when the number has been rounded to an integer. The precision of the number 550 isn't clear (it could be ones or tens), but displaying it as 550.0 implies more precision than we have. I'll create a method which is designed specifically for output.

irb(main):001:0> a = 548.667
=> 548.667
irb(main):002:0> class Float
irb(main):003:1>   def sigfig_to_s(digits)
irb(main):004:2>     f = sprintf("%.#{digits - 1}e", self).to_f
irb(main):005:2>     i = f.to_i
irb(main):006:2>     (i == f ? i : f).to_s
irb(main):007:2>   end
irb(main):008:1> end
=> nil
irb(main):009:0> a.sigfig_to_s(2)
=> "550"

There's probably a better way to do this; I still tend to speak Ruby with a C accent and I may have missed a shortcut. But it does achieve my goal of reasonably clean output for tables full of Floats. Here's a page snippet from one of the sites which uses this code.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Firefox Moiré hack (CSS abuse)

Here's a code snippet that's been sitting on my hard drive since last January. It generates Moiré interference patterns via the CSS -moz-repeating-radial-gradient property.  I find this interesting in that even a small PNG created this way requires about 1000x the storage as the code used to generate it.

The hack only works in Firefox; IE does not support repeating-radial-gradient and Webkit's -webkit-repeating-radial-gradient does not attempt to render the gradients with the subpixel (im)precision required for the effect. In Firefox, simply resizing the browser window in either dimension will change the way this is rendered, and scrolling the page will probably cause it to glitch. Try it!

Here's a screencap from Firefox, which is pretty much guaranteed not to look exactly like the above...even if you're viewing this in Firefox.

The code contains several magic numbers which were selected just to make this look funky.

<div style="height: 500px; overflow: hidden; position: absolute; width: 500px;">
<div style="background: -moz-repeating-radial-gradient(red, red 2px, blue 2px, blue 3px); height: 800px; position: absolute; top: -200px; width: 800px;">
<div style="background: -moz-repeating-radial-gradient(black, black 1px, transparent 1px, transparent 2px); height: 850px; left: -150px; position: absolute; top: 100px; width: 830px;">

You can also fill the entire viewport with pretty interference patterns using a tiny HTML document. Resize the browser for eye candy. Endless fun for the whole family!

<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><title>Moire</title></head>
<div style="background: -moz-repeating-radial-gradient(black, black 1px, transparent 1px, transparent 2px); position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0; width: 100%; height: 100%">

Warning: Applying the gradient directly to the body element may cause Firefox to hang and eat a ton of memory. It looks like a bug was filed on this over a year ago with priority "critical", but it's still open. So...don't do that.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Starry night / topographic oceans

This has nothing to do with either van Gogh or Yes.

It's what I made of the volume beneath a Minecraft spawn point over a period of weeks, culminating in the use of a couple of simple Python filters.  The first converts 1% of a selected volume to glowstone.  The second converts all the blocks immediately adjacent to water into glass.  I used both on the ceiling of a 240x240x56 block volume, resulting in the following.

This view shows the effect of glowstone set in the obsidian ceiling. Sunrise is visible to the left; the far wall is too far away to render. The Temple of Rule 30 exterior is visible on to the right.

Starry Night
Replacing the ocean bottom with glass makes the ocean appear as a contour map of itself.

Topographic Oceans

Here's the MCEdit filter. It only replaces air adjacent to water with glass, so it's up to you to remove the rock/dirt/whatever from the surrounding volume before running the filter. Fair warning: I'm a Python newb.

from numpy import zeros, array

def perform(level, box, options):
 schema = level.extractSchematic(box)

 block_id = 20 # glass

 for y in range(1,schema.Height):
  water = schema.Blocks[:,:,y] == 9
  air = schema.Blocks[:,:,y] == 0
  # Shift the position of the water on this level to the four surrounding blocks and intersect this with air
  # to determine which sides should be contained in glass
  c= zeros(water.shape)
  c[:-1, :] += water[1:, :]
  c[1:, :] += water[:-1, :]
  c[:, :-1] += water[:, 1:]
  c[:, 1:] += water[:, :-1]
  glass = ((c > 0) & air) * block_id
  schema.Blocks[:,:,y] += glass

  # Now place glass below
  air = schema.Blocks[:,:,y-1] == 0
  glass = (water & air) * block_id
  schema.Blocks[:,:,y-1] += glass

 level.copyBlocksFrom(schema, schema.bounds, box.origin)

Monday, March 28, 2011

My sentiments exactly

"They probably taught you different in marketing, but renting property, it's never seemed an honourable way to make money to me," Yasar says.  "Using money to make money."

"Isn't that what this is about, getting finance to make more finance?"

"This is getting finance to make something that will change the world. Notice the two little extra words in there? 'Make something.'"

  - From The Dervish House, by Ian McDonald

This quote has been on my mind lately, as I consider new employers with the hope of finding something more fulfilling to do than leveraging technology to market products to people who really don't need them.

"Make something."

I heartily recommend, well, everything by Ian I've been able to get my hands on.  His treatment of a future India as told by River of Gods and Cyberabad Days was startlingly good -- not because I had low expectations, but because he starts with a culture which is already foreign to me and extrapolates it into places which you can't help but be changed by visiting.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

KB2505438: Windows Update fail

Windows Update KB2505438 gives users the following description:  "Install this update to resolve issues in Windows."



I'd like more information, please.  Fortunately there's a "More information" link provided for those who'd prefer not to blindly patch their operating system with no prior notification of what is about to be changed.  Here's what happens when you click the link:

You are redirected to a parking domain which is not owned by Microsoft.  It comes complete with a catchy title:  "Bug free software just has random features."  The screenshot may be missing the full glory of this page because I refuse to display it in IE.

UPDATE:  This is apparently due to a typo.  Someone at Microsoft misspelled Microsoft.
More information:
What amazes me is that it's even possible to make a typo here.  There's no macro for the knowledge base domain name?  This just can't be stored as unconstrained text in hundreds of thousands of documents.  Can it?